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Responsibility Chains – Building Global Governance for Forest Risk Commodity Chains

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Publication Type
Policy Brief
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7 September 2022
Maja Groff Co-Author
Maiara Folly Co-Author


In order to promote a more effective global governance for forests, we propose the creation of a Responsibility Chains Process. Responsibility Chains refer to the interconnected sets of socio-environmental relations that link commodity producers to consumers, from the source of finance and primary production to extraction and manufacturing (when applicable), exporting and importing, all the way to final consumption. The initiative will create improved coordination among the wide variety of actors already engaged in efforts to clean up forest risk commodity chains under a common vision, bringing together key producer and consumer states, private sector, finance firms and civil society around specific goals, such as stopping illegal deforestation by 2030, and an independent monitoring mechanism. The initiative will consist of two interlinked phases: An initial Responsibility Chains Task Force will bring together key experts to set the basic parameters of the Process and to explore pathways to create an Action Plan. During the second phase, the Responsibility Chains Process, a multi-stakeholder process will be created in order to convene relevant actors and initiatives around key commodity chains, coordinate efforts, and produce an umbrella framework around the concept of Responsibility Chains, with the goal of zeroing illegal deforestation by 2030 (in accordance with the commitments set out in the Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests and Land Use, endorsed by 141 states at COP26), as well as preventing other socio-environmental and human rights violations linked to key commodities chains.

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